Hoover Treated Wood Products SiteSite Description: The Hoover Treated Wood Products, Inc. (Hoover TWP) facility, an active wood-treating business, is located approximately 1.5 miles southwest of the city of Thomson, Georgia. The wood-treating process previously involved pressure-impregnating multi-dimensional lumber and plywood using a water-based, chromate copper arsenate solution. In 1994, the Georgia EPD determined that a release of arsenic exceeding a reportable quantity had occurred from a former 250,000-gallon surface impoundment at the facility. The results of subsequent investigations indicated that arsenic, chromium, and copper contamination were present in soil and groundwater and that surface water runoff caused contamination in a surface water drainage ditch that extended southward from the Hoover TWP facility through a mixed commercial and residential area. The Hoover TWP Site is listed on the Georgia Hazardous Site Inventory (HSI No. 10199).
Responsibilities: In the role of project coordinator, Leed Environmental, Inc. was responsible for preparing a bid request and contract for corrective action activities, for coordinating bidding and bid review activities, for managing the contractor’s activities with off-site property owners, and related activities. Leed Environmental, Inc. was also responsible for procurement of environmental consultants for surface water monitoring, groundwater monitoring, and operation and maintenance inspections. Leed Environmental, Inc. coordinated the client’s work activities with the Georgia Environmental Protection Division. Project Status: Corrective action activities at the site have been completed. Surface water monitoring, groundwater monitoring, and operation and maintenance activities are ongoing. Project Duration for Leed Environmental, Inc.: Eight years, ongoing.