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Leed Environmental, Inc.

Magic Marker Site; Trenton, New Jersey

Project Description:   Prior to use of the property by the Magic Marker Company for manufacturing and distribution of felt tip pens, the building was used for brick manufacturing and a rail yard in the late 1800s and the manufacturing of automobile bodies and lead-acid storage batteries. The results of the remedial investigation of soil, groundwater, and the building interior indicated the presence of asbestos within the building and elevated concentrations of PCBs, petroleum hydrocarbons, lead, chromium, arsenic, and other contaminants in other areas at the site. The abandoned, seven-acre property was occupied by a large, unused industrial building and was surrounded by a residential area, an elementary school, and several commercial establishments. The City of Trenton was interested in future redevelopment of the property for residential uses, public open space, and neighborhood commercial and service land uses.

Scope of Work:   At the Magic Marker Site, Leed Environmental, Inc. was retained by a successor company to a former property owner to manage the company's interest in assessing potential contamination at the site and remediating environmental issues as part of property redevelopment plans.

Some of the services provided by Leed Environmental, Inc. included the following:

  • Preparation of bid specifications for completion of a remedial investigation of the site;
  • Solicitation and review of bids for the remedial investigation;
  • Oversight of technical consultants retained to perform the remedial investigation and assess site conditions;
  • Review of technical work plans prepared by the consultant to ensure the client's interests were maintained;
  • Technical liaison with the client and with city and state regulatory authorities;
  • Development of plans and specifications for building decontamination and site cleanup;
  • Solicitation and review of bids for site remediation;
  • Oversight of building demolition and other remedial efforts; and
  • Other activities.

Special Features/Unusual Considerations:   Due to the location of the site adjacent to a residential development and a school in downtown Trenton, New Jersey, the brownfields redevelopment of the site received high-priority attention from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, the City of Trenton, and a local public group.

Responsibilities:  Leed Environmental, Inc. was responsible for managing all environmental activities for the client, for coordinating environmental site assessment activities with the regulatory agencies and the client's consultants and contractors, for developing the client's plans and specifications for remedial activities, and for providing other project management and coordination services.

Project Status:   Leed Environmental, Inc. successfully completed its work at the site.

Project Duration for Leed Environmental, Inc.:   Three years, complete.